• “Groundwater, Making the Invisible Visible.” Paris, 18-20 May 2022

  • The United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) is organizing the International Conference on Groundwater, Paris, France, on 18-20 May 2022 Information about the conference is available at: http://www.gwsdg2022.fr/index.php/en/.
  • EUROKARST: Malaga, June 22-25, 2022

  • Conference on the Hydrogeology of Karst & Carbonate Reservoirs: Eurokarst offers a platform for professional exchange between field practitioners and academic researchers. At this third event, the main objective of the 3rd Eurokarst is to discuss and disseminate the latest trends in research into karst aquifers and water resources based on the results obtained with different methodologies in karst terrains worlwide. More: http://www.eurokarst.org/
  • Wytwornica acetylenu

  • Odkupię sprawną wytwornicę acetylenu, najlepiej model Ariane, oferty na adres: miękina@ceti.pl
  • Berger Camp -2022

  • The Berger Camp 20.07-10.08-2022; is open, for registrations through the link on European Federation of Speleology